Addon Feral By Night 3 3 5a

The Cat Guide Cat Form First off lets take a look at Cat Form. Blizzard describes it as 'Cat Form Shape shift into Cat form to increase attack speed and gain the use of various Cat abilities.

This form has an innate threat reduction component. The cat is much like the Rogue. You should read the Rogue Basics page for more details on how to play a Rogue. Many Cat abilities are similar to Rogue abilities.

Cat form is best for soloing and for party use. If you're a Rogue player, you can appreciate how useful this form can be. Feline Swiftness regains its speed increase when moving from indoors to outdoors. ' I find this pretty ironic since Feline Swiftness works indoors now and was renamed to Feral swiftness (correct me if i'm wrong though.) Anyways there's also a basline formula to how Cat AP is derived. It is #Attack Power is increased by the formula: (Strength x 2) + Agility + (Character Level x 2) - 20 Now looking at that you may say well Strength is 2 times as effective we should just stack that right? If this was pre-3.1 the numbers would agree with you. Rpg maker vx ace modern tiles free download for pc.

But since 3.1 both Armor Penatration (known as ArP from hereon) and Agility (Agi from hereon) are significantly better then strength. Reason behind the numbers - Since 3.1 both Savage Roar (our main uptime buff ability) and rip (out main DoT) have been overhauled. Our Rip can now crit (making Agility more favorable in itself over Strength since Agility gives Crit rating as well). Our Savage Roar is 30% Damage increase instead of 40% attack power (AP derives directly into Strength ergo making Strength more favorable pre 3.1; Since it is a straight damage increase AGI > STR because of the crit.) Also on topic of druid form to cat form ratios; our weapon gives us Feral AP directly from the weapon's DPS or ilvl. It's 14 feral AP per DPS point - 54 If i remember correctly. This will let you figure out what's best for you as you progress through the game. So What's better then Agility or Armor Pen?

Well as mentioned before since 3.1 both armor pen and agility are both better then Strength so what should ferals Gem now? The answer is simple. If you can reach 220 Armor Pen unbuffed and have the Shred Idol & grim toll or Runestone gem for armor pen OR if you have idol of mutilation or RIP Idol then wait till about 350 (also must have GT or MRS.

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Addon Feral By Night 3 3 5a

It has no DR and only gets better as you get more of it. Agility is also important. It is a generally stated rule that you should have 50% Crit unbuffed. If not maybe gemming agility would be a better option for you. Once you reach this threshold Armor pen is the way to go.

If you want you can keep stacking agility tho as each point is only a 2 DPS difference or so. With 10 gems that could equal about a 320 DPS loss maximum. Not a whole lot in the grand scheme of things.

Another note about ArP As stated its best to get to the soft cap (566 with MRS 619 with GT) then gem agility, however once you can reach 1050 ArP buffed/gemmed that will be more beneficial to your DPS. You would obviously not need one of the ArP trinkets anymore and many suggest Banner of victory and the improved greatness card are the best in slot once you can finally reach this setup. This setup also has the most theoretical DPS with BiS from CC getting close to 10k update for 3.2.2 ArP nerf New Hardcap = 1400 (1399.6 or so actually but for the sake of ease we'll call it 1400) So the new softcaps for Grim toll and Runestone are. Grim Toll = 788 soft cap Runestone = 736 soft cap The new value needed where straight ArP outwieghs softcap + agility SHOULD be 1190, assuming 85% is still the breaking point. Remember these are just general guidelines and a lot of it has to do with your general gearing set up, the best thing to do is reasearch and find out what setups best for you. Stat values post 3.1 Some people, like myself, rather know what% of your DPS each stat is worth.