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The 3D Lyft restores facial contour and fullness in one simple visit. Treatment Information About 3D Lyft The 3D Lyft is customized to the individual's facial rejuvenation needs, therefore the type of dermal filler used – fat transfer or injectable facial fillers – is based on the aesthetic goals of the patient and discussed during an in-depth consultation. At the time of the consultation you will be asked to bring in a photo of yourself from a time when you felt you looked your best.

To achieve the most natural-looking result from the 3D Lyft, this photo will be used as a guide when restoring volume and dimension to the face. Medical Spa 3D Lyft The beauty of the 3D Lyft is that it takes just one easy visit to see immediate results by artistically layering dermal fillers at varying depths to restore youthful volume, fullness and dimension in all the right places. The medical spa 3D Lyft uses FDA-approved dermal fillers to: • Add volume to the cheeks, lips and brows • Refine fine lines around the mouth • Restore fullness to deeper facial wrinkles and folds • Create dimension and fullness to facial features As a non-surgical med spa treatment, the 3D Lyft is performed using FDA-approved dermal fillers and collagen replacers to help reverse the sagging and flattening effects of aging. The dermal fillers are injected into the facial areas using a topographical map layering technique to achieve the youthful dimension, volume and fullness lost during the aging process. The result is an overall refreshed, renewed and more youthful appearance. Regularly scheduled follow-up appointments are important to maintain optimal results from the 3D Lyft as the volumizing effects of the FDA-approved dermal fillers start to fade over time. With the med spa 3D Lyft most people find that they are able to resume normal daily activity immediately following their treatment.

Mild swelling and slight bruising at the injection sites dissipates within days of the 3D Lyft. Minimally-Invasive 3D Lyft Surgical Procedure As a minimally-invasive surgical procedure, the 3D Lyft with fat transfer is a two–step facial rejuvenation treatment. The first step is to remove a small amount of fat -- typically from the hips, thighs, buttocks or abdomen. Using a local anesthetic, the area from where the fat is being removed is desensitized. Then, a small cannula attached to a syringe is placed under the skin. It is gently and systematically moved back and forth as the fat fills the syringe.