Pavel Aksenov Poslednyaya Vera

SFE Blog • We passed a couple of major milestones on 1st August: the SFE is now over 4.5 million words, of which John Clute’s own contribution has now exceeded 2 million. (For comparison, the 1993 second edition was 1.3 million words, and • We’ve reached a couple of milestones recently. The SFE gallery of book covers now has more than 10,000 images: this one seemed appropriate for the 10,000th. Our series of slideshows of thematically linked covers has continued to grow, and Darren Nash of • We’ve been talking for a while about new features to add to the SFE, and another one has gone live today: the Gallery, which collects together covers for sf books and links them back to SFE entries. To quote from.

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Thursday, February 7th Courage: Bertolt Brecht's classic 'Mother Courage,' as staged by Mikhail Levitin. Hermitage Theater production. Fomenko Studio New Stage. Donky Khot: Dmitry Krymov's whimsical, inventive show based on Cervantes' 'Don Quixote.'

School of Dramatic Art. Project Otkrytaya Stsena.

Dream Orchestra. Brass (Orkestr Mechty. Med): Oleg Menshikov's Brass Orchestra in a theatrical concert.

Yermolova Theater. NEW Eleanor and Her Men (Eleanor i Yeyo Muzhchiny): Alexander Burdonsky stages James Goldman's screenplay, 'The Lion in Winter,' about the gamesmanship between Henry II of England and his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine. Russian Army Theater small hall.

Hidden Perspective (Skrytaya Perspektiva): Yevgeny Arye directs Donald Margulies' play 'Time Stands Still,' about two war journalists who find their ambitions and beliefs are pulling them apart. Sovremennik Theater. Ivanov and Others (Ivanov i Drugiye): Sergei Shakurov stars in Genrietta Yanovskaya's interpretation of Anton Chekhov's play about a group of people's inability to love or be loved. Theater Yunogo Zritelya. MT PICK King Lear (Korol Lir): Konstantin Raikin stars in Shakespeare's tragedy directed by Yury Butusov. Satirikon Theater. Mamma Mia!: the Russian version of the popular musical with songs by ABBA.

Marriage 2.0. First and Second Versions (Brak 2.0. Pervaya i Vtoraya Versii): Alexander Marin's staging based on Chekhov's works. Tabakov Theater. Love and Espionage: Maxim Dunayevsky's musical about the notorious exotic dancer and spy based on Yelena Gremina's play. Larisa Dolina and Dmitry Kharatyan in the leads. Theatrium Na Serpukhovke.

NEW Moscow-Petushki: Venedikt Yerofeyev's 'poem' about a romantic drunkard directed by Sergei Zhenovach. Unleashx skins xbox 3608104380 Studio of Theatrical Art. Much Ado About Nothing (Mnogo Shuma iz Nichego): Yevgeny Pisarev's contemporary adaptation of Shakespeare's comedy.

Pushkin Theater. My Dear Mathilde (Moya Dorogaya Matilda): Israel Horovitz's family tale 'My Old Lady,' set in a Paris apartment. Directed by Vladimir Petrov.

Chekhov Moscow Art Theater small stage. MT PICK One Absolutely Happy Village (Odna Absolyutno Schastlivaya Derevnya): Pyotr Fomenko's beautiful dramatization of Boris Vakhtin's 1965 novella.

Fomenko Studio. NEW School for Fools (Shkola Dlya Durakov): Sasha Sokolov's famous novel about the fantastic inner adventures of a schizophrenic boy. Directed by Yury Pogrebnicho. Okolo, the Theater Near the Stanislavsky House. MT PICK Scorched (Pozhary): Quebec-based playwright/director Wajdi Mouawad stages his own play about love, hatred and reconciliation. Et Cetera Theater. The Banquet: Sergei Artsibashev's one-act staging based on a romantic comedy by Neil Simon.