Pdoxusrsnet Windows 7

Download PdaNet+     Download PdaNet+ for Android (4.1 or above) for Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP (both 32/64bit) for Mac OS (5.0 or above). You can also download the desktop client using your phone instead - on your phone open the web browser and go to When you run the installer, if for some reason it says the file is corrupted, that would be caused by browser timeouts. Try to download using a different browser or from your phone directly.

Quote Since Borland stopped developing or maintaining the BDE several years ago I suggest that you not use it for any new development. To change the location. Are you running Windows 7? You probably can't access the root of C. Try changing the directory of the net file to a directory under your user name. You should be able to do this with a program called BDEAdmin. – No'am Newman Jun 4 '13 at 11:03.

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You should be able to just install and connect. There is no need for any extra setups. If you are upgrading and you have a paid version, it will remain so even after the upgrade. If you ever need to install an older version of PdaNet, you can get it from. See PdaNet+ on.

Thanks for using PdaNet+ and enjoy the ride on wireless Internet!