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'The chief value of money,' H.L. Mencken wrote, 'is that having it is vastly overrated.'


I’m not sure if that is as true in 2008 as it was in 19 08, but I do know that whether or not having money is overrated, giv- ing it away is definitely under- rated. I can think of nothing more fun than to give away money, even if it’s just a buck or two.

I take that attitude each year to the bingo tent at the St. John the Evangelist Parish Community Bazaar where I call out the num- bers one night each year as a favor to my friend Ann Noone. She asks and I can’t say no.

This year, I had to leave a family reunion near Wyalusing early Friday evening in order to get to the bazaar in time for my 8 to 10 p.m. 'What’s it like to call the num- bers at bingo? ' several folks asked as I told them the reason for my early departure. 'Well,' I answered, 'It’s two hours of little old ladies yelling at you, ‘Slow down!’ ‘Go fas- ter!’ ’Speak up’ ‘Stop talking so much, just call the numbers!’ ’Aren’t there any B-4’s in there?’ That’s what it’s like.' I should hate it, but I love it. I love it because I make it fun. Fun for me, anyway.

I do that by making sure I have a pocketful of money to give away. It’s not a whole lot, but it’s enough to put smiles on some faces. I might, for example, throw a few dollars out of my pocket into the jackpot, just to make things more interestin g. Some- times it’s as little as a quarter to round out a jackpot of $14.75 to an even 15 bucks, sometimes more. Since the jackpot is deter- mined by the number of people playin g.

I become an old-fash- ioned barker trying to drum up customers. Often I’ll entice teenagers to come and play by offering to pay for their games. It’s only 50 cents apiece. Mon- ey well spent in my book. I reckon if I can get a few cute young girls to sit down and play, some young boys will follow. The opposite holds true as well. I was wondering what else I could do this year to spice things up when, as I walked toward the tent to report for duty, I spotted an old friend Patrick Feeney selling 'instant bingos.'

Instant bingos are little cards with flaps to open to see if you’ve won. The prize can be anything from a free ticket, all the way up to perhaps $25. Patrick was selling them four for a dollar and I bought five dollars worth. I used them to sweeten the jackpots.

'The jack- pot for the next game will be $12 and four instant bingo tickets.' Know how well that went over? I had to get Patrick back three or four times to buy more tickets. There’s always a lull in the action between games as the helpers get cards for new players and collect money.

That takes time and some of the players start squirming. I decided to keep them entertained by pick- ing the first number for the next game and asking everyone to guess what it was. I gave a dollar to the first person who got it right. That became a bit chaotic so I went back to trying to cajole people I recognized in the crowd to come in and play. Jimmy Narvid and his wife Mary obliged, God bless them. So did Jessica Brogn a and her mom Sharon. And Josh Reynolds.

And Jane Mulhern. During one lull, a young man came over holding a lamp, of all things. He must have picked it up at the flea market. Look at that guy, I said into the mic.

Operation He came to the bazaar and found the light of his life. Only one person laughed, a lady sitting behind me. I gave her a dollar. Download anime inazuma eleven go sub indo full episode.

The best give-away of the night, however, came not from me. A little girl sitting behind me played for an hour and didn’t win a thing. Finally, her mom and dad said it was time to go and while I was trying to think of some sort of prize I could give her, a man who played the entire two hours I was there and won a couple of times, called to me 'Here,' he said, 'give her this,' He was holding out a ten dollar bill. I took it and made a big deal presenting it to the little girl announcing she had won, 'The Msgr, Bendik, Best Bingo Play- er under 4-Feet Tall with Blonde Hair Award,' or something like that. She was delighted.