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Stung by the defeat of their ­ObamaCare repeal plan, GOP leaders are doing what they can to avoid a messy spending fight with Democrats that would risk a government shutdown. Senate Republican leaders signaled Tuesday they would set aside President Trump’s controversial request for a military supplemental bill that would include funding to begin construction of a wall along the southern border. Speaking at a leadership press conference at the request of Senate Majority Leader (R-Ky.), Sen. (R-Mo.) said the supplemental bill would likely move “at a later time.” Speaker (R-Wis.), meanwhile, sought to avoid another political landmine Tuesday by arguing that language defunding Planned Parenthood should be kept out of the spending legislation that needs to pass by April 28.

ADVERTISEMENT The Speaker said he wants to address defunding Planned Parenthood, long a conservative priority, through a special budgetary process that requires only 51 votes to pass the Senate. “We think reconciliation is the tool, because that gets it in law,” Ryan told reporters, referring to the procedural track leaders tried to use to pass the failed healthcare bill. “Reconciliation is the way to go.” The signals from the House and Senate indicate Republicans are coming to grips with the reality that they can’t pass critical legislation on their own. Some conservatives are still insisting that Republicans plow ahead with linking the border wall and Planned Parenthood to the spending bill.

But other Republicans wary after the healthcare failure assume the Freedom Caucus will do as they did in the healthcare debate and end up opposing the funding legislation no matter what concessions are made. Keeping the government open may be one of the few areas where Republicans can expect assistance from Democrats, who are otherwise ardently opposed to their agenda.

“I am confident they would do it to keep the government open and to keep us from defaulting on the debt. Those two issues, I see them working with us. And if we do, we’ll have Republicans in the Freedom Caucus that won’t like the fact we’re not getting much back in return,” said Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.), a Trump ally. Fears of a possible government shutdown grew on Capitol Hill after conservative and centrist Republicans derailed legislation to repeal and replace ­ObamaCare, one of Trump’s top priorities. The legislative setback raised questions over the ability of Republican leaders to move a must-pass spending package before government funding expires.

Modulj lt c126 94vo. “Yes, I am worried,” Sen. (R-Ariz.) told reporters when asked about a possible government shutdown.

Republicans fret that a shutdown only a few months into Trump’s term could raise questions about their basic ability to govern, with the ramifications felt in the 2018 midterm elections. “Shutting down the government when it’s a Republican government and a Republican Congress is not an option,” said Rep.

Tom Cole (R-Okla.), a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee. (R-Ariz.), a Freedom Caucus member and ardent foe of abortion, acknowledged attempts to defund Planned Parenthood wouldn’t overcome a Democratic filibuster in the Senate. “We’re going to have a very challenging situation there with the Senate rules,” Franks said. The budget proposal Trump submitted to Congress this month included a supplemental request for $30 billion in emergency defense funds and $3 billion to begin construction of the border wall and tighten homeland security. Senate Democrats warned Republican leaders in a recent letter that they will block spending legislation that includes money for the border wall, cuts nondefense domestic programs or includes “poison pill riders.” Senate Democratic Whip (Ill.) predicted Republicans would get blamed for a shutdown because they control the White House and both chambers of Congress. “We’ve given fair warning to the Republicans.